Mathijs Theelen is a Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine (Dipl.ECEIM). He is currently working at Utrecht University Equine Hospital where he is also head of the Foal Intensive Care Unit. After his graduation from Utrecht University in 2008, Mathijs has worked in a large equine referral hospital in the Netherlands for two years before starting his residency in equine internal medicine at Utrecht University. He has authored several publications on the use of antimicrobial drugs in foal with sepsis.
Mathijs is currently working on his PhD which focuses on antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of bacteria isolated from foals and adult horses and the gut microbiome of horses (in collaboration with the Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology of Utrecht University). Part of his research is conducted at UC Davis, California, USA.
CPD courses
Rossdales Foal Care Course 2020
8th – 10th January 2020