This first 3-day Rossdales Pregnant Mare and Stallion Course will follow the successful format of the previous well attended and highly acclaimed Rossdales equine reproduction modular courses.
The programme has been designed by Rossdales Senior Partner and equine reproduction expert Andrew McGladdery with 14 other experienced equine reproduction speakers from the USA: Dickson Varner (Texas) & Karen Wolfsdorf (Kentucky); from UAE: Sandra Wilsher (Sharjah); from Europe: Tom Stout (Utrecht), Harald Sieme (Hannover) and the UK: Mandi de Mestre (Royal Veterinary College), Richard Newton (Animal Health Trust), Tullis Matson (Stallion AI Services) and Ian Cameron, Alastair Foote, Jenny Ousey, Oliver Pynn and Nick Wingfield Digby (Rossdales). All speakers are experienced experts in the topics upon which they are presenting and there will be an afternoon of case-based interactive sessions.
The programme will include important aspects of veterinary care and breeding management for the mare and stallion (natural cover and AI). Early and later pregnancy loss, fetal sexing, managing twin pregnancies, fetal Doppler studies, clinical and pathological aspects of MRLS, EAFL, Leptospirosis and placentitis together with lessons learnt from EHV abortion outbreaks will also be covered.
This course will appeal and be of interest to all equine studfarm practitioners. It will be a suitable and valuable course for new graduates through to experienced clinicians. Equine reproduction and stud medicine interns, residents and specialists in both first opinion and referral practices, veterinary schools and other institutions will find it of great interest.
The content will be helpful for those who are planning to take RCVS Certificate C-E.9 Equine Mare Reproduction and Breeding Management, C-E.10 Equine Stallion Reproduction and Breeding Management and C-EP.16. Basic Equine Practice (Part 11).
Delegates attending this course may claim continuing education accreditation:
- RCVS members: 21 hours
- Veterinary Council of Ireland: 18.5 credits